1. Original image
S = imread('pic13.jpg');
S = im2bw(S);
S2 = ~S;

2. Extracting required objects' properties. Required properties are centroid and the area of the round objects. The area property is used to compute the radius of the object.
S3 = bwlabel(S2);
S4 = regionprops(S3,'Centroid','area');
R = sqrt(S4(1).Area/pi);
h = S4(1).Centroid(1);
k = S4(1).Centroid(2);
3. Drawing circles around 1st object with different radius by refering to the radius of the object.
ratio = [2 1.5 1];
nR = round(R*ratio);
t = 0:pi/20:2*pi;
x1 = (h+nR'*cos(t))';
y1 = (k+nR'*sin(t))';
hold on;